Luxury Consignment Boutique

While working at a luxury consignment boutique that expanded to both an e-commerce and brick-and-mortar footprint, Luxe was responsible for store layout, styling, and reporting. With the stock limitations that consignment stores have—constant sell-outs, surprise stock options, and single sized items—he was in charge for the overall presentation for the store such as mannequin styling, rack refills, item replenishment, and customer grouping.

The concept of this luxury consignment store can be seen through categorized racks and walls, usually styled by customer types: the fashion collector, the practical shopper, and the street style individual for example. Through these customer types, areas of the store can be seen to have a common styling that utilized specific brands and garments to help portray a certain aesthetic.

Window Display


Women’s Display

Handbag Display

Men’s Display

Wholesale Wall and Table Display

Accessory Caseline Display

Aerial Overview


Independent Boutique